Nice roundup, thank you.

You wrote, "For one, why has South Korea, with all its advancement, started to commit demographic suicide?"

Technology/wealth and fertility rates of a country are inversely related. You might enjoy this post on Lee Kuan Yew and Singapore which discusses this point: https://neofeudalreview.substack.com/p/lee-kuan-yew-and-singapore-a-knife

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Terrific round up. I was talking to Lisa recently and we were bemoaning the realization that it is not *just* the elites who see other people as objects to be used to their own ends. This point of view is being adopted (or perhaps "aped") by many people in our society. Both of us are often reached out to by people pretending to hold out the hand of friendship only to find that there is a hidden agenda (often not even thinly disguised). We seem to be running into a "I'm gonna get mine" and to heck with everyone else mindset.

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Good picks, Alex. And my congratulations to you!

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Oh and also, congratulations on the engagement, my friend! It sounds like it came out of the blue. The world still has potential for surprises of the pleasant kind, it seems.

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This was great.

On architecture, indeed I think Agnostic is onto something. If he's right, then the coming multipolar order will also see a return to more aesthetically pleasing, visually engaging architecture - rococo, baroque, gothic, but with modern industrial technology. What kind of ornamentation can be achieved with 3D printing and CAD? I think about this a lot.

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